Internship Projects
Project Intern, Indian Institute of Technology - Madras
CUDA implementation of Parallel BloomTree
Tools used: CUDA C
June 2020 - October 2020
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Solarillion Foundation
Work 1: Intelligent Interconnection of Operating Micro-Grid and Irrigation System in Dharnai - A Rural Indian Scenario
Work 2: Smart Energy Routing For Rural Islanded Microgrid Clusters
Work 3: Irrigation Load Optimization for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity in Rural Microgrid Clusters
Tools used: Python
April 2018 - May 2020
College Projects
Air Pollution based Routing Algorithm for VANETs
Tools used: C++, OMNeT++, SUMO
August 2019 - February 2020
Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot
Tools used: Arduino, Stepper Motors, TB6600 Driver
June 2018 - October 2019
Portable Optical Character Recogniser
Tools used: Python, Raspberry Pi, Pi Camera, Tesseract-ocr
April 2019 - July 2019
Machine Learning approach on On-Time Performance of Flights
Tools used: Python, Sci-kit learn
July 2018 - October 2018
Clock/Time Table/Reminder System for Classrooms
Tools used: Arduino, Real-time Clock Module, 8x8 LED Matrix, MAX7219 Driver
April 2018